Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Trip To Orchid Nursery, Rawang

Just Arrived!

Misi mencari orkid

Can you imagine? This area is 12 acre full of orchid. 

Weather is so nice that day and the clouds are so pretty. Subhanallah. Cok guzel (so pretty)

We need to take 50 pics of orchid and make sure to include this label beside the orchid plant. 

Sebarisan orkid putih. Orkid putih aku boleh gambarkan sebagai sesuatu yang halus, sangat lembut dan ketenangan melihatnya. 

Tetiba teringin nak jadi owner nursery. Banyak betul angan-angan. Belajar dulu lah! ;3



Nur Shaidatul said...

nina,recommendkan website yang sediakn template blog please ..tq

Stephanie said...

The orchids are lovely. Looks like you all enjoyed the trip a lot. Sharina. Great pics!

ShaRina NiNa said...

NUrshaidatul: kemaaaaa hehe. erm, kte bese tgk kt

Stephanie: we enjoyed it. We like orchids! thank youuu for stopping by ^^