Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Which side is your brain?

1.37 a.m


I'm sure you guys are familiar with this test right.. in case you've had forgotten..let's try this again!

The results can be accurate or otherwise. Depends on yourself :)

Therefore, this is my result.

Tahniah, otak saya sama rata! hahaha. Mungkin ditengah-tengah agaknya XD

Tak tahan yang 'imej kacau-bilau' tu..macam mana lah agaknya kan.

But, I'm more on the right side, only by 6%.

Right side:
  • kreativiti. Maybe not that creative but I like to do something different. 
  • khayalan or should i call myself 'daydreamer' lol
  • gerak hati. so far i believe in my instinct. But, not 100% la.
  • curiosity. Yeah, lately I keep asking myself "why is that? how that can happen?" 
Left side:
  • peraturan. I'm not sure what it is. Maybe I'm like the safe side by following rules.
  • bahasa. Yes, i like learning new language. Currently, I'm learning korean and japanese informally. I also sign in course of Thai class. So much fun!
  • strategi. I like to think of a strategy. Either in a game or planning on something.
  • Kewajaran. =.= meaning? wajar ke tak wajar? pass!
  • logik. saya suka main chess. tetiba kan haha. I can be logic and sometimes not logical. Both is fine hee.
  • Butiran. Wait? a little bit confused here. Are 'logik butiran' is combined or what? pass~
So...briefly, that is me. Just about 20 or 30% of myself.

What about you guys?

p/s: tengok tu..suka no update belog tetengah pagi hehe. Peace ^^V

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