Wednesday, November 7, 2018

A year skipped

Assalammualaikum, dearies!

I'm back here. I didn't thought that one year I haven't update anything here. Sayang deh. But actually I have one more blog. That is a secret la. Just random deep thought kat situ. Hope no one found it haha. Situ pun dah lama tak update.

Why I comeback here when this is not a thing now?

I feel more comfortable to membebel panjang here. People will come for dengar kita membebel. With that tujuan. If in other place like Instagram for example, my followers might be rimas πŸ˜‚ Some in the mood to read, some might not. Sure, they can ignore but I don't want to give options. Just enjoy the picture instead. Instagram is for 'the picture says it all' kan. I keep it simple that way.

Plus, there is always inside me that I want to share through my writings. Maybe tak sehebat orang lain sampai menulis buku or novel. Just tiny everyday little things that buat muhasabah diri. I want to share and some values. People often share big sensation things. Lemme share the small things hehe. Often we missed that part thou. huhu. 

Ok, that's all guys. Till another post! πŸ’•

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