Monday, June 11, 2012

Kema's BLog

Olla ! Mi dora!

"haipp..dora. watpe kat sini? pi balik rumah. mak hang cari. suka bebenor jalan dengan monyet kau ni..:

Maafkan aku tadi, Dora tiba2 menyibuk pulak hehe.

Nothing much~

Just want to share my friend's blog.

She's a newbie...

Welcome to blogging world!

Do write happily :)


Give her some support by follow her hehe.

She's my classmates when I'm in matrics.

Kema, jgn marah haaa...hihi


Nur Shaidatul said...

hahaha thank nina.<3

Nur Shaidatul said...

hahaha thanks sweetie..